Expired URLs

This is a list of expired sites at NILU and the responsible person connected to that site.
If you can't get in contact with the person please send an e-mail to nilu@nilu.no

URL Responsible Person Contact Email
esticc.nilu.no Rona Thompson rlt@nilu.no
iflink.nilu.no Nuria Castell ncb@nilu.no
innosense.nilu.no - nilu@nilu.no
kolarctic.nilu.no Eldbjørg Heimstad esh@nilu.no
radio.nilu.no Nikolaos Evangeliou ne@nilu.no
salvi.nilu.no Arve Kylling aky@nilu.no
samira.nilu.no Kerstin Stebel kst@nilu.no